Policy Workshop P017, P027, P019

Event Date

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 - 19:00 to 20:30 EDT

Event Description

A policy workshop will be held on Tuesday May 21st from 7pm-8:30pm ET on the following policies:

P017: Minimum Large Corporate Tax. Received 60.9% green votes in online Bonser

P027: National Capital Region Transportation Policy. Received 52.1% green votes in online Bonser

P019: Electoral platform emphasis on combating climate change. Received 32.8% green votes in online Bonser

A maximum of thirty (30) minutes will be allocated to each policy proposal. Each submitter will have 4 minutes to speak to their policy proposal before addressing any points of clarification. The floor will then open to debate and possible friendly amendments. Friendly amendments will be done using the “propose amendment” button in WeDecide.